You have chosen the destination, the hotel, etc. Now, it's time to organize your suitcase, check the items that are necessary and what clothes to take with you. For someones, this be a little difficult, but some steps can help you:
1. Choose the right suitcase
Take into account how many days and where you are going to travel. If you will stay a week, a small bag is enough.
If you are going to visit different destinations and change hotels all the time, a rolling suitcase is not the best option.
2. Choose the right clothes
Is it a business trip? A weekend trip? Are you going to the beach? How's the weather there?
They're simple questions, but they can be useful while you're packing by avoiding taking unnecessary clothes.
3. Prefer neutral colors
Choose neutral colors so you can match many pieces of clothing. White or black clothes are always a good choice, on the other hand, you can waste time choosing the best match for printed clothes.
4. Take fabrics that don't wrinkle
Don't waste your time taking a dress that you will have to iron when arriving at your destination. Be practical. Wool, linen, polyester, cashmere, microfibers and cotton are nice options of fabrics to pack.
5. Avoid new shoes
I know, you are excited to use the incredible new pair of shoes which you've bought specially for that trip. I'm sorry, that's not a good idea. As you are not used to them, you don't know if they are comfortable enough or even if they can hurt you while walking.
6. Keep all cables, charges and electronics in a case
Today, we carry many electronics with us, so imagine you look for them in the middle of your clothes, it's not going to be nice. Being organized is always helpful.
7. Maximize space
Roll up the pieces of clothes, put the socks inside the shoes, stir the belts on the side of the suitcase, and use packing cubes, so your suitcase will have more space, besides, being more organized.
8. Leave extra space in your bag
Even if you don't plan, you can buy souvenirs, something that was on sale, etc. so organize your suitcase leaving enough space for this stuff is necessary.
9. Organize your carry-on baggage
It doesn't matter if it is a national or international trip, carry-on baggage is always useful.
You can keep your documents, cell phone, medicines, personal care, a book to read during the flight (if you want) and a change of clothes. If your luggage is lost, you can survive for some days with it.
10. Weigh your luggage
Avoid paying excess baggage fees by weighing your luggage before going to the airport. Nowadays, most of the airlines allow an item of 50 lbs and a carry-on suitcase, however, check out the policy of the airline which you are traveling.
If you want to plan your trip easily, download the Tripsy App. You can organize all your trips in only one place, share it with friends and family, access exclusive itineraries, besides receiving flight alerts and many more features.