We’re incredibly excited to launch Tripsy, a new way to organize your travels on your iPhone and iPad.

Tripsy came from a need of us having all travel information in one place: flights, hotels, calendar, museums, concert tickets, etc. The usual way to travel around is to carry all the information inside many different applications: emails, airline apps, hotels apps, wallet, files, notes and printing some important tickets. We think we can do better.
We want to offer you a way to save all your trip itinerary with as many details as you want to add to any activity, and on top of that, offer you easy ways to navigate in your travel experiences, such as maps integrations, files and flight alerts. Oh, and we also want you to be able to share this information with others easily, in the next versions of Tripsy you can expect to have this feature.

🔒 Privacy — your data is yours!
Sending the data to our cloud is up to you. You can choose if you want to sync all the data to have a backup and sync between different devices, or use only an offline copy on your device (backed up with your iCloud backup).
If you choose to use our cloud, all the information you input is yours. We’re not selling any of this data to anyone or want to use it to sell any product in the future. We don’t make money with your info, and we’ll never do that. But syncing your activities with us will give you some advantages in the future that you may want: we’ll be able to alert you on flight changes, automatically include bookings from emails and documents that you may want to include in your account, view the same information of your trip itinerary in multiple devices and in the future you will be able to have other collaborators in your trip itinerary as well.
Privacy is something that we deeply care about; it’s one of our core values. You can check our Privacy Policy in this link: tripsy.app/policy.

🌟 Premium: take more advantage of Tripsy
In order to have a sustainable business, Tripsy offers a Premium plan to everyone that travels or anyone that wants to support us in order to maintain the application running and getting updated.
For that, Premium users can create unlimited trips (Free users can only create one), have access to exclusive features in the future, unlimited access to all of our travel plans (explained below), and also sync your data between devices.
📱 Travel plans from humans — From us to you
For Premium users we offer travels plans that our team created. They are completely created by us, from our own experiences and we believe you’re going to love it. As a Premium user, you can copy one of our trip plans and edit as you prefer, making the best use of it! We currently offer trip plans to Rome (5 days), Santiago (5 days), New York (4 days), Paris (4 days), Amsterdam (3 days) and more to come.
Premium is offered right now as a subscription for $0,99/month or $7,49/year with two weeks of free trial. In the future, we’ll be increasing the price of the subscription after we add features like collaboration and push notification if you start supporting us today you will remain on this price forever!
✈️ The best way to create it, is traveling

If you enjoy it, it would mean the world to us if you could share the news on Twitter. And oh, a review in the App Store helps a lot, too! If you want to write about us, you can find our PressKit here.
Tripsy is built by Rafael Kellermann Streit and Thiago Sanchez.
You can follow us on Twitter and Instagram.
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